Thursday, October 1, 2009

The One Where Love Does Make You Fat

since Din has coaxed me into taking more photos for my posts (cos his ADD doesn't let him focus long on the wordy posts), tadah! i took pictures! and camwhored! it's a big thing for Esther kay, JAKE is like my family and i'm the retarded black sheep that came out with no genetic itch to take pictures. so here's us, doing what we've been doing a lot lately. taking drives to random places to eat. this one's to Chili's. heh. so often that i'm ashamed of myself. where's the rabbit food Esther!

applaud! i camwhored! why the hell does my nose look so huge.

telling some story about some guy getting beaten up with liquor bottles till there was blood all over his eyes. story ended with boyfriend remarking, 'damn cool.' -.-

LAMB SHOULDER! BESTEST THING EVER! this is where the rabbit in me scurries off whimpering (do rabbits actually make any sounds?) and is replaced by a carnivorous dinosaurrr nomnomnom.

Cajun something Sandwich. i think. could not pay attention, was too excited over Lamb Shoulder nomnomnom.

phailed attempt to look like Bill Compton. see the stuff in his mouth? it was actually just two fries. 

this week's been pretty good. Monday we had our math presentation over and done with. Tuesday, Jordan and Joel came to audition for the Halloween Dance. they were very shy and nervous cos they were around 'college kids' wth but they fit in fine. aand they'll be playing for the dance :D Wednesday, stayed home cos of food poisoning sigh. Thursday, accidently ran out of first period 15 mins early hehehe i was like, 'OH MY GOD IT'S 9.30! Ms. Chia i have to go!' and she nodded then when i ran up, i realized it wasn't Friday and class ends at 9.45 wtf. 

Friday and Saturday will be spent on English ISU notes and Sunday will be spent at the Bukit Damansara Grand Carnival with Uncle Sean. phew. for now it's back to homework! cos apparently my average is slipping like nobody's business for Families. :(

ah well. have a good weekend folks :)

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