Monday, October 5, 2009

The One With An Itch For Ghetto Nails

mood : hyper.

today :

i'm shocked to find out that one of my lecturers actually picks on smart students. must start acting stupid.

i interviewed a boy and his potted plant girlfriend wtf (will post vid up asap).

Ben said Din is fat zomg! i'm not crazy after all. but i like him chubby anyways i took pictures of him when he wasn't looking and no matter what he did he looked cute cos he's got babyfat cheeks hehehe.

i did it again :/ it's starting to be a habit.

 the printers in the computer lab weren't working properly! i printed my 40-page assignment and COLOURED PAGES for free

i woke up with my right eye pre-pinkeye-swollen. T.T

we were asked in class, what do you look for in a guy/girl? the first thing i thought of was : dorkiness.

after English class - some of us had just gotten back this important assignment - and this guy was going around asking everyone for their marks cos he hadn't gotten his back but he was worried cos the marks were pretty bad. 

A : what did you get?
E : 79.
A : ah fuck you.
E : O.O


now :

back to watching Bruno - zee greatest Austrian zelebrity seence Hitlar! wtf.

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