Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The One With Running In The Rain

i absolutely must record this : today, i, Esther Leong, rapped for a presentation. yes, i rapped.

it was for English, for the world's funnest poem ever (The Waste Land), and i when i did the chorus ('WHEN I SAY TS, YOU SAY ELIOT!'), people actually yelled ELIOT zomg was so surprised T.T

okay, back to studying fer L'il Miss Ghetto ;)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The One With The Hustlin' Phantom

finally - an update! a lot has happened in the past 2 weeks, even though they kinda just whizzed by me. 

1. Din and i have been officially grossing people out with our wuff for 2.5 years. *sigh* :)

2. there has been a shitload of drama in college, it's not even fun anymore. in fact, it's stupid at this point. the other day, when i'd just wormed my way out of yet another interrogation, i felt like i was in primary school. it's like that time in Std 1 when we were scheming to break apart Karven's desk wtf and we had to act all nonchalant and innocent when Renee was nicely unscrewing her desk hahaha.

3. i'm sick woooooooo.

4. you have no idea how pissed off i was at one of my teammates for one of my big assignments. i swear, she's the first person since i started college to be so difficult that i didn't even bother pretending to be nice to spare her feelings. she's so stupid that if you replaced her with a potted plant in class, you wouldn't know the difference. 

5. Halloween Night is this Friday! creds for half of my costume goes to Jun-Elle and Kar Heng :D

6. pictures! from last Saturday when we went to KLCC just cos :

Esther, random Korean tourist, Karven, Veena.

here's Kar Heng, halfway through his transformation into a big baby. happens to everyone who gets attached haih.

say eeee!

spot me! wtf.

peace & wuff.

Kar Heng, who was an ass running around sticking his bloated tummy at us after dinner T.T 


photo creds to Veena :)

will update again soon! i've a feeling i'm gonna have quite a bit to write about after this weekend ;)


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The One With The Mob

 mood : annoyed.

for the past two years, i've always felt old. or older anyway. i usually feel like i've come a long way but it's funny how something so small can transport me back to feeling like a stupid 13-year-old. sigh. i still remember the days when i embarrass myself without even trying and i have friends like Karven who'd signal my crush's initials with a huge crowd of students in between us to do the embarrassing sometimes.

it kinda sucks to feel like such a kid all over again but the familiarity is kinda comforting.

PS : oi where did everyone go! this Saturday, Jits is driving us (we haven't asked yet but he is) to where Jun-Elle works and we'll have lunch. JAKE+Jits+KarHeng, attendance is compulsory k k k!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The One With Waking Sexy Up

mood : content.

't was a good day, wheeeeeee! :D 
twitter can kiss my tush, i'll nevar succumb to micro-blogging - nevar, i say!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The One With The Most Depressing..

..but useful shit i've gotten from CLEO. about 2/3 years ago i think. kinda related to Karven's 'Someday', this shit i got from CLEO was something regarding being your own best friend. i know, it sounds damn sad. it sounds like an article teaching you how to be an emo loner.

but it says more than that. it told me to stop expecting so much out of people. cos as we all know, we get disappointed at one point or another. it's not anybody's fault, it's just that consistency is something most don't have. since then, i've been able to do way more on my own that it surprises me when i hear of people who cannot be alone. because i like being alone. and again, it sounds so loner but it isn't lah kay. 

cos if you're able to sit for hours with only your own company, how is that bad? it's when you can't stand being with yourself - that's when it's bad.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The One With The Big 2.5

the first half of the week was spent working on Families assignment. the video above is one of the 4 i recorded for my interfaith marriage presentation lol credits to Jason for committing wholeheartedly :D it didn't go as well as i wanted it to though cos i ended up doing the presentation alone out of fear for my lecturer when my partner couldn't make it :/

the later part of the week was awesome - i slept for 10 hours 3 nights in a row mmmm sleep how long it's been lol but gotta get back to working like a dog, two big assignments due next week. 

despite how the weeks have been though, college is tiring nonetheless. more like, the social part of it is tiring. sometimes it's hard to hide what i really think and more often than not, i don't give certain people the kind of response they want. but faking it takes a lot more work so bah who cares.

looking forward to! :

Families Assignment - wedding! we might do a Punjabi wedding since Ameera knows 'bout it (it's got what, 10 days of dancing or something?) and chapati is cheap nyehehe.

shopping - skirts! since i have accepted the fact that my shorts collection just isn't gonna grow, i shall convert. 

Halloween Dance - not just CIMP's, but ICPU's too. i'd probably jump ship halfway if i can cos Karven is organizing the ICPU one. i dunno what i'm gonna be though. i've a cape. someone tell me what i can be with a cape. :(

next meet with JAKE + KarHeng & Jits because for all i know, Jun-Elle could be dead and Kar Heng's got a girlfriend. 

alrighty, shall end here to waste the rest of my weekend before Monday arrives. 

toodles ;)


Monday, October 5, 2009

The One With An Itch For Ghetto Nails

mood : hyper.

today :

i'm shocked to find out that one of my lecturers actually picks on smart students. must start acting stupid.

i interviewed a boy and his potted plant girlfriend wtf (will post vid up asap).

Ben said Din is fat zomg! i'm not crazy after all. but i like him chubby anyways i took pictures of him when he wasn't looking and no matter what he did he looked cute cos he's got babyfat cheeks hehehe.

i did it again :/ it's starting to be a habit.

 the printers in the computer lab weren't working properly! i printed my 40-page assignment and COLOURED PAGES for free

i woke up with my right eye pre-pinkeye-swollen. T.T

we were asked in class, what do you look for in a guy/girl? the first thing i thought of was : dorkiness.

after English class - some of us had just gotten back this important assignment - and this guy was going around asking everyone for their marks cos he hadn't gotten his back but he was worried cos the marks were pretty bad. 

A : what did you get?
E : 79.
A : ah fuck you.
E : O.O


now :

back to watching Bruno - zee greatest Austrian zelebrity seence Hitlar! wtf.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The One With Late Night Coffee & Snickers

mood : half awake.

'Destiny does not send us heralds.' Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.

even if i get a lousy grade on this book, i won't ever regret having read it. awesome shit. ;)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The One Where Love Does Make You Fat

since Din has coaxed me into taking more photos for my posts (cos his ADD doesn't let him focus long on the wordy posts), tadah! i took pictures! and camwhored! it's a big thing for Esther kay, JAKE is like my family and i'm the retarded black sheep that came out with no genetic itch to take pictures. so here's us, doing what we've been doing a lot lately. taking drives to random places to eat. this one's to Chili's. heh. so often that i'm ashamed of myself. where's the rabbit food Esther!

applaud! i camwhored! why the hell does my nose look so huge.

telling some story about some guy getting beaten up with liquor bottles till there was blood all over his eyes. story ended with boyfriend remarking, 'damn cool.' -.-

LAMB SHOULDER! BESTEST THING EVER! this is where the rabbit in me scurries off whimpering (do rabbits actually make any sounds?) and is replaced by a carnivorous dinosaurrr nomnomnom.

Cajun something Sandwich. i think. could not pay attention, was too excited over Lamb Shoulder nomnomnom.

phailed attempt to look like Bill Compton. see the stuff in his mouth? it was actually just two fries. 

this week's been pretty good. Monday we had our math presentation over and done with. Tuesday, Jordan and Joel came to audition for the Halloween Dance. they were very shy and nervous cos they were around 'college kids' wth but they fit in fine. aand they'll be playing for the dance :D Wednesday, stayed home cos of food poisoning sigh. Thursday, accidently ran out of first period 15 mins early hehehe i was like, 'OH MY GOD IT'S 9.30! Ms. Chia i have to go!' and she nodded then when i ran up, i realized it wasn't Friday and class ends at 9.45 wtf. 

Friday and Saturday will be spent on English ISU notes and Sunday will be spent at the Bukit Damansara Grand Carnival with Uncle Sean. phew. for now it's back to homework! cos apparently my average is slipping like nobody's business for Families. :(

ah well. have a good weekend folks :)